The key to saving on auto repair expenses is paying attention to the little things that can lead to big issues. From your driving habits to the type of auto insurance coverage you have, every factor related to your car can impact the amount you spend to keep it running. To help you mitigate the cost of auto ownership, we compiled a list of 10 ways to save on car expenses.
Something as simple as parking your car in the garage could lower your auto expenses. For instance, vehicles that are kept in a garage are less prone to rust, an issue that, if not treated, can impact the structural integrity of your ride. And fixing rust damage can be pricey, not to mention hail damage.
Cars that look well-cared-for may also retain a higher resale value. And you can increase your peace of mind, as keeping your car sheltered can help ward off crime and intrusive pests.
There are a host of culprits that can crack or damage to your windshield, and flying debris is one of the most common. Additionally, extreme temperatures, dirt, worn-down windshield wiper blades and improper cleaning can also cause problems for windshield glass.
When it comes to further delaying a trip to the gas pump, little changes can make a big difference:
Drive the speed limit. On the highway, aerodynamic drag causes fuel economy to drop off significantly as speeds increase above 50 mph.
Avoid “jack rabbit” starts and hard acceleration. These actions greatly increase fuel consumption.
Don’t spend extra time idling to warm up the engine, even in winter. It’s unnecessary and wastes fuel. And if your car will be stopped for more than 60 seconds, shut off the engine to save fuel. Many newer cars have automatic engine stop-start systems that do this.
AAA Members can take advantage of the Fuel Rewards Program® at Shell.
If you need to park or store your car for a prolonged amount of time, keep these habits in mind to help save on expenses:
AAA has advice for maximizing the savings on your insurance premiums:
Want to save while you're on the move? Try these road trip essentials to cut costs for your next journey.
Read moreTo gain the maximum life and performance from your tires, it’s essential to rotate them on a regular basis, usually every 5,000 to 8,000 miles. (Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for specific tire recommendations.)
Tire balance is also important. Properly balanced tires help minimize uneven wear and extend their life, ultimately saving on car expenses.
While keeping your car clean can prevent long-term surface damage to your vehicle, making missteps during the process can ultimately cost you. Here’s advice to help you save:
Whether it’s a drive into town or your daily commute, parking expenses add up. But there are ways to save:
Give yourself some breathing room. If you allow enough time, you can circle the block once or twice to find the most affordable parking option.
Parallel parking is your friend. Many opt for the ease of a parking garage, which could leave more parallel parking spots on the street.
At the airport, AAA Members save 20% with The Parking Spot, regardless of the length of stay or day of the week.
Cold weather also impacts your auto repair budget. For example, while deicing procedures help keep you safe on the street, the salts used to melt the ice and help prevent vehicles from slipping and sliding can cause extensive damage to cars. To mitigate the damage, frequently wash your vehicle, paying particular attention to the undercarriage. Washing will loosen, dissolve and neutralize the road salts. Experts also recommend repairing body damage and painting scratches and chips to keep any exposed metal from rusting.
The warmer months present their own unique problems.
To cut down on avoidable auto repair expenses, check the coolant and make sure it’s flushed and replaced as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer to prevent long-term engine damage and overheating.
Follow these tips to avoid shortening the life of your vehicle’s power source:
Car care
Consult with a AAA Owned and Operated Car Care or Approved Auto Repair facility.