About 11 percent of all accidents reported to the police involve at least one driver fleeing the scene. And if you’re the victim of a hit-and-run accident, you’re left to deal with the consequences and often the cost. If you’ve witnessed the incident or later discovered damages, what do you do? These steps can help you get through this frustrating experience.
Don’t: Lose your temper. Letting emotions overtake you can make a bad situation worse.
Do: Collect yourself and address the situation with poise.
Don’t: If you’re in your vehicle at the time, don’t chase the other car. Doing so can create other accidents or worse.
Do: Collect as much information as you can about the other car: make and model, color, bumper stickers or other identifying features, and license plate number, plus the street where you saw the fleeing car last and the direction it was headed.