
5 Reasons Life Insurance Makes Sense Right Now

David Monforton
David Monforton 2 Min Read
A graphic image of a group of people with question marks and thought bubbles above their heads.

The facts about life insurance—from the costs of premiums to the amount of coverage recommended—are often misunderstood. Here are five reasons why a policy is a smart investment.

1. Life insurance is affordable.

The 2021 Insurance Barometer Study, the 11th edition of the annual research survey by Life Happens and LIMRA, revealed that 81% of people cited “too expensive” as a reason for not owning a life insurance policy. Forty-four percent of millennials said they thought the cost of a policy was $1,000+ per year.

In reality, a simple term life insurance tends to offer low and more flexible premiums compared with other kinds of insurance. The younger and healthier you are when you buy your coverage, the less expensive the policy will be. As you age, you can always choose to expand your coverage.

2. Life insurance can be purchased even when you’re young and healthy.

It’s unlikely that you’d need your life insurance as a young, healthy person, in the statistical sense that you’re less likely to get sick and pass away. However, life insurance is typically less expensive and easier to get, the younger and healthier you are.

If you wait until you are chronically or terminally ill, you may find your ability to purchase insurance to be much more limited.

3. The life insurance offered through your employer may not be enough.

Despite your monthly premium expense, the amount of life insurance coverage you get through your workplace may not be sufficient to provide for your loved ones should something unfortunate happen to you.

In addition, it’s often tied to your employment, which means that if you change jobs, you may lose that insurance.

4. Life insurance can do more for your heirs than you think.

The simplest kind of life insurance—term life insurance—is mainly intended to be used by your heirs after you pass away. However, more complete types of coverage, such as whole life and universal life insurance, can be used in various ways during your lifetime—as collateral on a loan, for example, or to fund long-term care. Or, for certain types of policies, you can convert them into cash.

5. If you have a preexisting condition, you can still get life insurance.

Though it could be an obstacle, having a preexisting condition doesn’t automatically mean you won’t be able to buy life insurance. Consult with a licensed insurance agent about policies that may not require a medical exam as well as about life insurance designed for people with specific preexisting conditions, such as cancer and diabetes. An experienced professional can help you find the best life insurance for your specific needs.

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Life Insurance Disclosure

This information is being provided for general informational purposes only. The Auto Club Group does not assume any liability in connection with providing this information.

Life insurance underwritten and annuities offered by AAA Life Insurance Company, Livonia, Michigan. AAA Life Insurance Company is licensed in all states except NY. CA Certificate of Authority #07861. Products and their features may not be available in all states.

AAA Life and its agents do not provide legal, tax or financial advice. Please consult your professional advisor prior to the purchase of any policy or contract.

This is a summary of product provisions and does not contain all of the benefits and exclusions. For complete terms of the insurance coverage or annuity, please contact your agent or refer to the policy/contract.

Annuities - LA

Annuities are not short-term products. During the surrender charge period, withdrawals exceeding 10% will be subject to a surrender charge that may be higher than fees associated with other types of financial products and may reduce principal. Withdrawals prior to 59½ may be subject to IRS penalties, separate from the annuity’s schedule of surrender charges.

EliteGuarantee Deferred Annuity - LAEG Contract Form Series: ICC11-4101/DA-4101 (In OR: ICC11-4101)

Platinum Bonus Annuity - LAPB Contract Form Series: ICC11-4111/DA-4111 (In OR: ICC11-4111)

Guaranteed Income Annuity - LAGI Contract Form Series: ICC14-4120/SPIA-4120 (In OR: ICC14-4120)

The payout amount you will receive is based on your individual circumstances, the options you select at the time of application and your initial premium payment.

Term Life Insurance - LT

Premiums are guaranteed. They are level for the term period and increase annually thereafter. Any sample premiums are examples only and may vary based on your personal health history and underwriting guidelines. The answers provided to the health questions are used to determine eligibility for coverage. Not all applicants will qualify. Product and its features may not be available in all states. Coverage ends at age 95.

If insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness that will cause death in 12 mos. or less, up to 50% of the total benefit can be applied for, and used as insured chooses. The remaining benefit payable at death will be reduced by the Accelerated Death Benefit paid and any accrued and unpaid interest (8% annual interest rate applies). Receipt of Accelerated Death Benefits may affect eligibility for public assistance programs and may be taxable. Please consult the appropriate social service agency and seek the advice of tax counsel before applying for these funds. The Accelerated Death Benefit is not available if the terminal illness results from an intentionally self-inflicted injury. This benefit may not be available in all states.

ExpressTerm - LTE Policy Form Series: ICC19-1601/1601 (In OR: 1CC19-1601)

Traditional Term - LTT Policy Form Series: ICC19-1801/1801 (In OR: ICC19-1801)

Group Direct Term Policy Form Series: GT8200

Individual Direct Term Policy Form Series: ICC16-1501

Universal Life Insurance – LULG

Health history, underwriting guidelines and the answers provided to health questions are used to determine approval for coverage. Not all applicants will qualify. Rates may vary.

Lifetime Universal Life Insurance - LUL Health history, underwriting guidelines and the answers provided to health questions are used to determine approval for coverage. Not all applicants will qualify. Rates may vary.

Policy Form Series: ICC19-4701/4701 (In OR: ICC19-4701)

If insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness that will cause death in 12 mos. or less, up to 50% of the total benefit can be applied for, and used as insured chooses. The remaining benefit payable at death will be reduced by the Accelerated Death Benefit paid and any accrued and unpaid interest (7% annual interest rate applies). Receipt of Accelerated Death Benefits may affect eligibility for public assistance programs and may be taxable. Please consult the appropriate social service agency and seek the advice of tax counsel before applying for these funds. The Accelerated Death Benefit is not available if the terminal illness results from an intentionally self-inflicted injury. This benefit may not be available in all states.

Accumulator Universal Life Insurance - LULA Health history, underwriting guidelines and the answers provided to health questions are used to determine approval for coverage. Not all applicants will qualify. Rates may vary.

Policy Form Series: ICC19-3701/3701 (In OR: ICC19-3701)

If insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness that will cause death in 12 mos. or less, up to 50% of the total benefit can be applied for, and used as insured chooses. The remaining benefit payable at death will be reduced by the Accelerated Death Benefit paid and any accrued and unpaid interest (5% annual interest rate applies). Receipt of Accelerated Death Benefits may affect eligibility for public assistance programs and may be taxable. Please consult the appropriate social service agency and seek the advice of tax counsel before applying for these funds. The Accelerated Death Benefit is not available if the terminal illness results from an intentionally self-inflicted injury. This benefit may not be available in all states.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance (for coverage amounts of $30,000 or more) - LWL Policy Form Series: ICC18-5601/5601 (In OR: ICC18-5601)

Health history, underwriting guidelines and the answers provided to health questions are used to determine approval for coverage. Not all applicants will qualify. Rates may vary.

If insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness that will cause death in 12 mos. or less, up to 50% of the total benefit can be applied for, and used as insured chooses. The remaining benefit payable at death will be reduced by the Accelerated Death Benefit paid and any accrued and unpaid interest (8% annual interest rate applies). Receipt of Accelerated Death Benefits may affect eligibility for public assistance programs and may be taxable. Please consult the appropriate social service agency and seek the advice of tax counsel before applying for these funds. The Accelerated Death Benefit is not available if the terminal illness results from an intentionally self-inflicted injury. This benefit may not be available in all states.

Rapid Issue Whole Life Insurance (for coverage amounts of $25,000 or less) - LRIWL Policy Form Series ICC20-7001/7001 (In OR: ICC20-7001)

Responses to the application will be used to determine approval for coverage. Not all applicants will qualify.

This Whole Life policy is referred to as graded benefit whole life insurance. If you suffer a non-accidental death within the first two years of coverage, your beneficiaries will get 100% of the base premiums you paid, plus 35%. After two years, the total amount of your coverage is paid for death due to any cause.

After the first two years of coverage, if insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness that will cause death in 12 mos. or less, up to 50% of the total benefit can be applied for, and used as insured chooses. The remaining benefit payable at death will be reduced by the Accelerated Death Benefit paid and any accrued and unpaid interest (8% annual interest rate applies). Receipt of Accelerated Death Benefits may affect eligibility for public assistance programs and may be taxable. Please consult the appropriate social service agency and seek the advice of tax counsel before applying for these funds. The Accelerated Death Benefit is not available if the terminal illness results from an intentionally self-inflicted injury. This benefit may not be available in all states.

Guaranteed Issue Whole Life Insurance - LGIWL Policy Form Series: ICC16-6301/GWL6301 (In OR: ICC16-6301)

The maximum amount of Guaranteed Issue Whole Life insurance coverage per insured is $25,000.00. Subject to age requirements and policy limit restrictions.

This Guaranteed Issue Whole Life policy is referred to as graded benefit whole life insurance. If you suffer a non-accidental death within the first two years of coverage, your beneficiaries will get 100% of the level monthly premiums you paid, plus 30%. After two years, the total amount of your coverage is paid for death due to any cause.

If you are a California resident 65 years of age or older, we are required to advise you of the following. The sale or liquidation of any stock, bond, IRA, certificate of deposit, mutual fund, annuity, or other asset to fund the purchase of this product may have tax consequences, early withdrawal penalties, or other costs or penalties as a result of the sale or liquidation. You may wish to consult independent legal or financial advice before selling or liquidating any assets and prior to the purchase of any life or annuity products being solicited, offered for sale, or sold 
