Roller coaster with cars in motion
discounts & rewards

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Look for AAA discounts, deals, and savings

Make the most out of your shopping experience

Instant Discounts

Instant Discounts

AAA Members receive instant discounts at nearly 70,000 partner locations nationwide on dining, fuel, shopping, travel, entertainment, electronics, and much more!

Earn AAA Dollars

Earn AAA Dollars

AAA Dollars is a free loyalty program where members can earn AAA Dollars shopping thru AAA and participating partners. Members can earn AAA Dollars buying attraction tickets, merchant gift cards, and shopping thru the AAA Dollars Online Mall. The AAA Dollars you earn can be redeemed for cash back.

AAA Discounts Alerts

AAA Discounts Alerts

Let the AAA deals find you. Add the AAA Discounts extension to receive AAA deal alerts when you shop online. Available on Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari, including iOS mobile devices.

Couple running together to stay fit

Health & Wellness Savings

AAA helps you save more and get the best value when shopping your favorite brands and retailers.  Start the new year off right with deals on fitness memberships, athletic gear, healthy eating, essentials for your home, car and more.

Featured Deals

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Vacation Deals

something more

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More From AAA

man on phone

Download the Free AAA Mobile® App

This powerful tool puts your membership at your fingertips. View your membership card or request roadside assistance with one tap. Plus, you can see nearby discounts, get directions, check gas prices and more.

Join AAA

Join AAA

There’s more to AAA Membership than may you know. Enjoy access to thousands of discounts, deals and rewards from travel to everyday purchases as well as roadside peace of mind with 24/7 Roadside Assistance.


Plan Your Travel With Ease

Whether you are flying, cruising or planning just a weekend getaway, AAA Travel will be there for all your travel needs.  Plus, get exclusive benefits, added perks and savings when you book with AAA Travel and the protection for your trip.

Family in vehicle driving

AAA Car Insurance

Protect your ride and the people inside. We’ll work together to create a policy that helps meet your unique insurance needs and ensures you have all the discounts you qualify for. 

Couple making payment online with their AAA Visa.

AAA Cashback Signature® Visa Card

Take advantage of cash back wherever you go with a credit card designed to help AAA Members get even more from their membership.

Lost wallet

Get Free Identity Theft Protection

Your personal information is at risk daily. Protect it with free Essential coverage from ProtectMyID® (a $49 value), and get credit monitoring, lost wallet protection & more.