We're here to answer your life insurance questions and help you find the right coverage when you're ready.
Put our AAA life insurance specialists to work for you.
Life insurance can seem daunting at first. But don’t worry. A Life Specialist can help you to choose a policy that works for you and your budget. And we’re here for you as your trusted partner with answers to those nagging little questions that keep you up at night. Now, why is life insurance so important to have?
There are as many kinds of life insurance and annuities as there are reasons to have them. For instance, your most important consideration might be lifetime protection without a set term. Or affordable protection for a set period of time. Or a steady stream of income that lasts your lifetime. Each consideration points to a specific kind of life insurance, and a Life Specialist can help you find the best kind for you.
Join millions who trust AAA in their times of need because they know: Whether it’s Emergency Roadside Service or Insurance, you’re protected with AAA.
Benefits of AAA Life’s Platinum Bonus Annuity include:
Ask your AAA agent about an annuity today!
You and your life insurance advisor can help choose which life insurance policy offered through AAA works best for your needs and budget:
A popular choice as it usually is the least expensive option. Term Life Insurance helps provide coverage for a specified period of time, such as while paying off a mortgage or when you have children at home. It’s also often used to help pay for housing expenses, outstanding debt, and daily living costs such as groceries and bills.
Provides coverage for a lifetime. It builds cash value over time and once locked in, your premiums never increase.
Designed for flexibility: it can last a lifetime, with options offering level or flexible premiums, cash value accumulation features, and the ability to leave an inheritance.
Annuities can provide a secure way to grow your money for retirement and help provide a steady stream of income that could last for life.
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Trying to buy a house in this climate is tough to do, especially on your own. Join us for a FREE webcast on March 12, 2025 at 4 p.m. ET: “Home Buying from Offer to Owner.” We’ll discuss a wide range of real estate topics we think you’ll find Well Worth It. Or watch any of our other “Well Worth It” personal finance webcasts on demand.
Pay yourself first. Because that’s the best way to help make sure you have money saved for the most important things in life, like protecting those you love.
This video breaks down the different kinds of life insurance and why you might want one over another…
Life insurance is more affordable than you may think. Take a look…
Whole life insurance provides coverage for a lifetime, and once locked in your premiums never increase. Learn more…
Employer-provided life insurance is often not enough to truly protect your legacy. See what we mean…
** Under current federal income tax law. AAA Life and its agents do not provide legal, tax, or financial advice. Please consult your professional advisor prior to the purchase of any contract.
Benefits may be taxable. Rates shown are annual effective yields. The first-year interest rate is guaranteed for first contract year only. It is separate from the minimum guarantee of 3.00% for the first 5 policy years and the minimum guarantee of 1.00% after 5 years. Interest rates are credited from the first day of receipt of funds. Annuities are not short-term products. During the surrender charge period, withdrawals exceeding 10% will be subject to a surrender charge that may be higher than fees associated with other types of financial products and may reduce principal. Withdrawals prior to 59½ may be subject to IRS penalties, separate from the annuity’s schedule of surrender charges. For complete details of coverage and specific details of the surrender charge schedule, please refer to the contract. Products and features may vary by state. Annuities offered by AAA Life Insurance Company, Livonia, MI. AAA Life (CA Certificate of Authority #07861) is licensed in all states except NY. Automobile Club of Southern California CA License #0003259. CSAA Life Insurance Agency of California, Inc. CA License #0D12130. Insurance products in Northern California offered through AAA Northern California Insurance Agency, License #0175868, in Nevada by AAA Nevada and in Utah by AAA Utah. Your local AAA club and/or its affiliates act as agents for AAA Life. Platinum Bonus Annuity Contract Form Series: ICC11-4111/DA-4111 (In OR: ICC11-4111).