father and daughter
express term life insurance

With Express Term Life Insurance Quoter you can have your own quote in as little as 10 minutes.

Create your own life insurance quote. Or click here if you prefer to speak with an agent.

It can be easy to get your own life insurance quote. And it only takes a few minutes. But first, why is life insurance through AAA so important to have?

If your loved ones rely on your income, life insurance can help provide them with a financial lifeline should something happen to you. We understand the importance of this. We’re here every step of the way at every stage of your life – with guidance, support and responsive claims service.

Join millions who trust AAA in their times of need because they know: Whether it’s Emergency Roadside Service or Insurance, you’re protected with AAA.

Find a life insurance policy that works for you.

You and your life insurance advisor can help choose which life insurance policy offered through AAA works best for your needs and budget:

Couple walking in a park.

Term Life Insurance

A popular choice as it usually is the least expensive option. Term Life Insurance helps provide coverage for a specified period of time, such as while paying off a mortgage or when you have children at home. It’s also often used to help pay for housing expenses, outstanding debt, and daily living costs such as groceries and bills.

Two women comparing information on a tablet.

Whole Life Insurance

Provides coverage for a lifetime. It builds cash value over time and once locked in, your premiums never increase.

father and son outside

Universal Life Insurance

Designed for flexibility: it can last a lifetime, with options offering level or flexible premiums, cash value accumulation features, and the ability to leave an inheritance.

couple looking at laptop


Annuities can provide a secure way to grow your money for retirement and help provide a steady stream of income that could last for life.

Basic Life Insurance Terms

Life insurance can seem like its own language. Here are some common terms you’re sure to come across.

Named Insured

The insured is the person whose life is covered by the life insurance policy. If the insured person passes away during the policy term, the insurer pays out the death benefit to the designated beneficiaries. In most cases, the insured is also the policyholder.


The policyholder is the legal owner of the life insurance contract. They are the one who initiates the policy, pays the premiums, and has control over the policy’s terms and conditions. In many cases, the policyholder and the named insured are the same person.


The beneficiary is the person or entity that you legally designate to receive the benefits from your financial products. For life insurance coverage, that is the death benefit your policy will pay if you die.

Face Value

The face value of a life insurance policy is the amount paid to your beneficiaries when you die. It represents the dollar amount of coverage provided by the policy.

Cash Value

Cash value refers to the portion of a permanent life insurance policy that accumulates savings over time. It is a feature found in policies like whole life and universal life insurance. Unlike term life insurance, which has no cash value, these permanent policies build up a savings component.

Insurance Rider

A life insurance rider is an addition of terms and conditions to a life insurance policy that a person can choose when they purchase their life insurance policy. These riders come at an additional cost but add benefits to the insurance coverage.

Couple walking arm in arm down the boardwalk at the beach.
tax-deferred annuity

Earn Up To 9.25%**


Benefits of AAA Life’s Platinum Bonus Annuity include:

  • Maximized earnings through the power of tax-deferral.**
  • A competitive interest rate with an additional first-year bonus.*
  • Free withdrawal once per contract year, up to 10% of the accumulated value.
  • Earn a minimum of 3.00% guaranteed for the contract period.

Ask your AAA agent about an annuity today!


Being part of a family means smiling for photos
guaranteed issue whole life insurance

Guaranteed life insurance that’s easier to qualify for.

Guaranteed Issue Whole Life (GIWL) insurance provides lifelong coverage. It’s a permanent policy that will allow you to help secure your family’s financial outlook well into the future. GIWL has several big advantages over other types of life insurance, including:

  • Fast and easy acceptance process – no medical exam or health questions required.
  • You can purchase up to $25,000 in coverage, which can help take care of those final expenses.
  • Premiums will never go up. Your policy will build cash value that allows you to borrow money, which is a great option to have should you need it.
  • Guaranteed acceptance for AAA Members between the ages of 45 and 85.
Mother and daughter on laptop together.
well worth it

Financial Know-How from AAA

Personal Finance Demystified

Join us for one of our upcoming webcasts in 2025 where we help explain the ins and outs of everyday personal finance in terms you can understand. Learn about things like what really goes into your credit score, how to systemically save that nest egg or how to help keep the cost of car insurance down. In the meantime, watch any of our other FREE "Well Worth It" webcasts on-demand.


Father and children sitting on a sofa.
life hacks

Budgeting tip: Pay yourself first.

Pay yourself first. Because that’s the best way to help make sure you have money saved for the most important things in life, like protecting those you love.

  • Set aside a percentage of your income for retirement, life goals and a family emergency fund. No matter how small the percentages you earmark, make sure to keep putting money toward you and your family. 
  • Write it down. Use a spreadsheet, a notebook, even on a napkin (not really, you should go for something more durable) but write it down. 
  • Increase your payments to yourself whenever your income increases. Assign a minimum percentage to pay yourself and ramp it up when your salary or income increases.
let’s talk life insurance basics

These short articles shed light on a not-so-light subject.

Insurance agent looking over paperwork with couple.

9 Questions to Ask About Life Insurance

Agent explains insurance options to man and woman.

Life Insurance Simplified

Mother working on phone while son looks over her shoulder.

Choosing a Life Insurance Beneficiary

Father holding baby on couch.

4 Surprising Reasons to Get Life Insurance

** Under current federal income tax law. AAA Life and its agents do not provide legal, tax, or financial advice. Please consult your professional advisor prior to the purchase of any contract.

Benefits may be taxable. Rates shown are annual effective yields. The first-year interest rate is guaranteed for first contract year only. It is separate from the minimum guarantee of 3.00% for the first 5 policy years and the minimum guarantee of 1.00% after 5 years. Interest rates are credited from the first day of receipt of funds. Annuities are not short-term products. During the surrender charge period, withdrawals exceeding 10% will be subject to a surrender charge that may be higher than fees associated with other types of financial products and may reduce principal. Withdrawals prior to 59½ may be subject to IRS penalties, separate from the annuity’s schedule of surrender charges. For complete details of coverage and specific details of the surrender charge schedule, please refer to the contract. Products and features may vary by state. Annuities offered by AAA Life Insurance Company, Livonia, MI. AAA Life (CA Certificate of Authority #07861) is licensed in all states except NY. Automobile Club of Southern California CA License #0003259. CSAA Life Insurance Agency of California, Inc. CA License #0D12130. Insurance products in Northern California offered through AAA Northern California Insurance Agency, License #0175868, in Nevada by AAA Nevada and in Utah by AAA Utah. Your local AAA club and/or its affiliates act as agents for AAA Life. Platinum Bonus Annuity Contract Form Series: ICC11-4111/DA-4111 (In OR: ICC11-4111).
